Radio setup

Instructions on how to setup your radio in EdgeTX to be able to control the gauges while in flight

You can select 2 channels to control the screens.
One analog channel can be used to control the course selection for the HSI / Map.
A 2nd channel can be used to control everything else.
I have my radio setup to control the following (I have all these on channel 8)

I have switch SD to set the channel to 1000/1500/2000. This will set the navigation lights to (position only / +strobes / +landing lights)
Setting the channel to:
1400/1600 - zoom in/out of the map
1300/1700 - cycle through what is displayed on the selected screen (G1000 / Map / Gauges (2 screens))
1200/1800 - cycle through the screens if more than 1 is installed
1100 - select runway for ILS approach
1900 - select airport / waypoint for navigating to

Below is a section of my yml file, from EdgeTX, to set up channel 8 to perform the functions above (channels are 0 based, so destCh: 7 is channel 8)

   weight: 100
   destCh: 7
   srcRaw: SD
   carryTrim: 0
   mixWarn: 0
   mltpx: ADD
   speedPrec: 0
   offset: 0
   swtch: "NONE"
   flightModes: 000000000
   delayUp: 0
   delayDown: 0
   speedUp: 0
   speedDown: 0
   name: "Lights"
   weight: 20
   destCh: 7
   srcRaw: MAX
   carryTrim: 0
   mixWarn: 0
   mltpx: REPL
   speedPrec: 0
   offset: 0
   swtch: "TrimT6Up"
   flightModes: 000000000
   delayUp: 0
   delayDown: 0
   speedUp: 0
   speedDown: 0
   name: ""
   weight: -20
   destCh: 7
   srcRaw: MAX
   carryTrim: 0
   mixWarn: 0
   mltpx: REPL
   speedPrec: 0
   offset: 0
   swtch: "TrimT6Down"
   flightModes: 000000000
   delayUp: 0
   delayDown: 0
   speedUp: 0
   speedDown: 0
   name: ""
   weight: 40
   destCh: 7
   srcRaw: MAX
   carryTrim: 0
   mixWarn: 0
   mltpx: REPL
   speedPrec: 0
   offset: 0
   swtch: "TrimEleUp"
   flightModes: 000000000
   delayUp: 0
   delayDown: 0
   speedUp: 0
   speedDown: 0
   name: ""
   weight: -40
   destCh: 7
   srcRaw: MAX
   carryTrim: 0
   mixWarn: 0
   mltpx: REPL
   speedPrec: 0
   offset: 0
   swtch: "TrimEleDown"
   flightModes: 000000000
   delayUp: 0
   delayDown: 0
   speedUp: 0
   speedDown: 0
   name: ""
   weight: -60
   destCh: 7
   srcRaw: MAX
   carryTrim: 0
   mixWarn: 0
   mltpx: REPL
   speedPrec: 0
   offset: 0
   swtch: "TrimAilLeft"
   flightModes: 000000000
   delayUp: 0
   delayDown: 0
   speedUp: 0
   speedDown: 0
   name: ""
   weight: 60
   destCh: 7
   srcRaw: MAX
   carryTrim: 0
   mixWarn: 0
   mltpx: REPL
   speedPrec: 0
   offset: 0
   swtch: "TrimAilRight"
   flightModes: 000000000
   delayUp: 0
   delayDown: 0
   speedUp: 0
   speedDown: 0
   name: ""
   weight: -80
   destCh: 7
   srcRaw: MAX
   carryTrim: 0
   mixWarn: 0
   mltpx: REPL
   speedPrec: 0
   offset: 0
   swtch: "TrimRudLeft"
   flightModes: 000000000
   delayUp: 0
   delayDown: 0
   speedUp: 0
   speedDown: 0
   name: ""
   weight: 80
   destCh: 7
   srcRaw: MAX
   carryTrim: 0
   mixWarn: 0
   mltpx: REPL
   speedPrec: 0
   offset: 0
   swtch: "TrimRudRight"
   flightModes: 000000000
   delayUp: 0
   delayDown: 0
   speedUp: 0
   speedDown: 0
   name: ""