CLI commands

List of cli commands

Use a terminal program such as Tera Term or Putty.
The micro has a native USB controller, so it will work with any speed and data format.


Shows list of command with a brief description
command followed by help will display more details

 * help
        Print list of commands
 * ?
 * all
        print out all instructions
 * setup
        display current setup
 * screen
        screen <#> - set screen to configure
 * driver
        driver <#> - sets the driver for screen
 * invert
        invert <#> - inverts display colors
 * flip
        flip <#> - flip display 180
 * mirror
        mirror <#> - mirror display
 * mode
        type 'mode help' for more info
 * inst
        instrument locations
 * inst2
        instrument locations for 2nd steam screen
 * unit
        <f/m> set units to feet(miles) or meters(km)
 * hsirc
        hsirc <#> - radio channel # for adjusting hsi
 * buttonsrc
        buttonsrc <#> - radio channel # for buttons
 * vspeeds
        display current vspeeds
 * map
        display map data waypoints (airports, vor, etc.)
 * waypoint
        Set waypoints for map
 * runway
        Set runways for map
 * home
        Set home location
 * glideslope
        Set glide slope for ILS approaches
 * save
        Save settings
 * reboot
        Reboot the module (no save)
 * sim
        turn on/off simulator


Print out all instructions
Shows the current setup of the system, display settings, rc channels, etc

Selects screen to make adjustments to. Some commands can modify screen without selecting it first

Change driver/resolution for selected screen
0) none
1) ST7789 240x240
2) ST7789 280x240
3) ST7789 320x240
4) ILI9341 320x240

Invert the colors on the screen

Flips screen 180 degrees. Can also use 'flip <screen num>'

Mirrors screen. Can also use 'mirror <screen num>'

Mode - what the screen displays
'mode' will cycle through current selected screen
'mode <mode>' will select mode for current screen
'mode <screen> <mode>' will select the mode for the screen specified
0) none
1) Steam gauges
2) Steam gauges 2
3) PFD - G500/G1000
4> Map - moving map

Instrument layout for steam gauges
Layout position are as follows
1 2 3
4 5 6
ex: inst 1 2 3 4 5 6 -  standard 6 pack
    inst 7 8 9 10 11 13 - bitmap versions of instruments
instrument numbers
1 - airspeed
2 - attitude
3 - altimeter
4 - turn/bank
5 - directional gyro with RMI
6 - vsi
7 - airspeed bitmap
8 - attitude bitmap
9 - altimeter bitmap
10 - turn/bank bitmap
11 - HSI bitmap
12 - RMI bitmap
13 - VSI bitmap
14 - tachometer
15 - Fuel flow (amps)
16 - Manifold Pressure (motor RC signal)

unit <num> - sets units to 0)feet/NM 1)meters/KM

hsirc <channel> - rc analog channel used to set HSI course

buttonrc <channel> - rc channel used to simulate button presses
900 uS - nav lights off
1000 uS - position/beacon lights on
1500 uS - + strobes
2000 uS - + landing lights
1100 uS - select previous vor/airport
1200 uS - select previous display
1300 uS - change mode
1400 uS - map zoom in
1600 uS - map zoom out
1700 uS - change mode
1800 uS - select next display
1900 uS - select next vor/airport

vspeeds <vflap> <vnorm> <vcaut> <vne> - set vspeeds in knots
example: vspeeds 20 40 70 90

displays waypoints/runways that will be drawn on map
map default - load default airports and runways (Denver area)
map clear - clears all map data

Sets map data for waypoints. These include real airports, model airports and vors.
Real airports are designated as their class, either B, C, D, or U)ncoltrolled, and will display their airspace on the map
Draws rings to display 400 ft, 100 ft, and 0 ft ceiling limits (100 and 0 ft are approx locations, every airport unique)
Model airport are desinateded with an M and VORs with a V
To set waypoint data:
<name> <lat> <lon> <options>
<name> airport/waypoint/vor identifier - 4 letter identifier (must have at least 1 character)
<lat> lattitude - use degree.dddddd upto 6 decimal place (what inav uses)
<lon> longitude - same format, precede with - for W degrees
<options> M) Model airport
          D) Class D airport
          C) Class C airport
          B) Class B airport
          U) Uncontrolled airport
          default VOR

Sets map data for runways. These can be real or model runways
To set runway data:
<airport> airport identifier - 4 letter identifier (must have at least 1 character
<runway name> - name of runway. ex.-30R
<lat> lattitude - use degree.dddddd upto (center of runway)
<lon> longitude - same format, precede with - for W degrees
<dir> direction of runway (can find on
<len> length of runway in feet
<width> widht of runway in feet
<options> L)eft, R)ight or C)enter runway
note: only one direction of a runway needs to be entered, the other direction will be automatically built
To delete entry enter
runway <entry> del

Sets home location for power on and for simulator.
Can be used to fly around and verify other waypoints
home <lat> <lon>


saves settings

reboot controller

sim <on/off>
Enables the simulator. Must have flight controller hooked up to get MSP data out of it.
Gets pitch/roll/yaw data from FC. Simulates airspeed and altitude and will change based on pitch
If radio is connected, will get airspeed from throttle, direction can be changed with yaw
Pitch/roll can be changed with elevator/aileron and altitude will change with pitch
Use to fly around map and check map data


displays current setup.
Display        flip/invert/mirror
#  driver    res      |   mode     instrument layout
1  2 ST7789  280x240  i   G1000
2  2 ST7789  280x240 fi   Map
3  2 ST7789  280x240 fi   G1000
4  3 ST7789  320x240      Steam-2  7 8 9 10 11 13
Units: Meter/Kilometer
HSI channel: 10
Switch channel: 8
VSpeeds: VFlap VF_End VNorm VCaut VNe
          10    40     25    75    101
Glide slope: 3.000000


Selects screen to make adjustments to. Some commands can modify screen without selecting it first


Change driver/resolution for selected screen
0) none
1) ST7789 240x240
2) ST7789 280x240
3) ST7789 320x240
4) ILI9341 320x240


Invert the colors on the screen


Flips screen 180 degrees. Can also use 'flip <screen num>'


Mirrors screen. Can also use 'mirror <screen num>'


Mode - what the screen displays
'mode' will display the current mode for the current screen
'mode <mode>' will select mode for current screen
'mode <screen> <mode>' will select the mode for the screen specified
0) none
1) Steam gauges
2) Steam gauges 2
3) PFD - G500/G1000
4> Map - moving map


Instrument layout for steam gauges
Layout position are as follows
1 2 3
4 5 6
ex: inst 1 2 3 4 5 6 -  standard 6 pack
    inst 7 8 9 10 11 13 - bitmap versions of instruments
instrument numbers
1 - airspeed
2 - attitude
3 - altimeter
4 - turn/bank
5 - directional gyro with RMI
6 - vsi
7 - airspeed bitmap
8 - attitude bitmap
9 - altimeter bitmap
10 - turn/bank bitmap
11 - HSI bitmap
12 - RMI bitmap
13 - VSI bitmap
14 - tachometer
15 - Fuel flow (amps)
16 - Manifold Pressure (motor RC signal)


Instrument layout for steam gauges 2 (see inst)


unit <num> - sets units to 0)feet/NM 1)meters/KM


hsirc <channel> - rc analog channel used to set HSI course


buttonrc <channel> - rc channel used to simulate button presses & light setting
900 uS - nav lights off
1000 uS - position/beacon lights on
1500 uS - + strobes
2000 uS - + landing lights
1100 uS - select previous vor/airport
1200 uS - select previous display
1300 uS - change mode
1400 uS - map zoom in
1600 uS - map zoom out
1700 uS - change mode
1800 uS - select next display
1900 uS - select next vor/airport


vspeeds <vflap> <vnorm> <vcaut> <vne> - set vspeeds in knots
example: vspeeds 20 40 70 90


displays waypoints/runways that will be drawn on map
map default - load default airports and runways (Denver area)
map clear - clears all map data


Sets map data for waypoints. These include real airports, model airports and vors.
Real airports are designated as their class, either B, C, D, or U)ncoltrolled, and will display their airspace on the map
Draws rings to display 400 ft, 100 ft, and 0 ft ceiling limits (100 and 0 ft are approx locations, every airport unique)
Model airport are desinateded with an M and VORs with a V
To set waypoint data:
<name> <lat> <lon> <options>
<name> airport/waypoint/vor identifier - 4 letter identifier (must have at least 1 character)
<lat> lattitude - use degree.dddddd upto 6 decimal place (what inav uses)
<lon> longitude - same format, precede with - for W degrees
<options> M) Model airport
          D) Class D airport
          C) Class C airport
          B) Class B airport
          U) Uncontrolled airport
          default VOR
example - (airport near my home)
KBJC 39.908775 -105.117157 D
airport name, lat lon (from google maps), Class D airport
To delete entry enter
waypoint <entry> del


Sets map data for runways. These can be real or model runways
To set runway data:
<airport> airport identifier - 4 letter identifier (must have at least 1 character
<runway name> - name of runway. ex.-30R
<lat> lattitude - use degree.dddddd upto (center of runway)
<lon> longitude - same format, precede with - for W degrees
<dir> direction of runway (can find on
<len> length of runway in feet
<width> widht of runway in feet
<options> L)eft, R)ight or C)enter runway
note: only one direction of a runway needs to be entered, the other direction will be automatically built
To delete entry enter
runway <entry> del
KBJC 30R 39.908340 -105.115181 304 9000 100 R
airport KBJC, runway 30R, lat:39.908340, lon:-105.115181, 304 true heading, 9000 feet long, 100 feet wide


Sets home location for power on and for simulator.
Can be used to fly around and verify other waypoints
home <lat> <lon>


Sets the glide slope angle for approaches


saves settings


Reboot the module (no save)


sim <on/off>
Enables the simulator. Must have flight controller hooked up to get MSP data out of it.
Gets pitch/roll/yaw data from FC. Simulates airspeed and altitude and will change based on pitch
If radio is connected, will get airspeed from throttle, direction can be changed with yaw
Pitch/roll can be changed with elevator/aileron and altitude will change with pitch
Use to fly around map and check map data